The Winning Hand

Over time (typically between 6 months and 3 years), stock prices will approximate the intrinsic value of the businesses they represent. If you’re a speculator or you base your investment decisions on emotion, intrinsic value means absolutely nothing to you and we wish your hard-earned money well with your magic eight ball. And if you…


Grow with the Wise Man

There’s an age-old adage saying that what the wise man does in the beginning is what the fool does in the end.  In investment parlance, a fortune can be made when an investor becomes bullish on markets and assets before a bull market ensues. This sounds easy, but it is extremely difficult to implement psychologically.…


It’s Not Time Yet

To paraphrase Sir John Templeton, bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria. In the short-term, markets aren’t about math (though they always revert to it). They are about psychology. This bull market began in March of 2009. The psychology of the markets was as pessimistic as…


Huge Money Trends for Serious Money

FMT Advisory’s research has identified a few money trends that we have just begun to allocate capital towards. One huge money trend we are invested in is that of value businesses beginning to outperform their sexy growth counterparts as the growth-value cycle shifts. When economic growth is tepid, investors pay up for companies that can…


The Tale of Two Businesses

To steal a line from the great author Charles Dickens, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times” for two Superinvestor Wealth Compounders around their recent earnings reports. It is not really the worst of times for either Nomad Foods or Platform Specialty Products for serious money investors, but their share…


It’s About to Get Real

FMT Investment Advisory has been the cutting-edge investment firm all over the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac story. Now that the framework for Trump’s #1 policy agenda of tax reform has been hammered out, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are about to become the top priority for Trump’s next major policy initiative. Housing accounts for…


Predictions Are Nonsense

FMT Investment Advisory implements and reveres value-based investment ideas.  Predictions for Dow 50,000 or Dow 6,000 are utterly nonsense. Soothsaying isn’t a formula for successful investing. Our advice is to ignore, delete, unfriend, or unsubscribe to anything or anyone pontificating such hogwash. Outlandish predictions are great for attracting eyeballs, but they are virtually useless to…
